This lovely coin turned up in a mixed box of copper I bought at auction recently. About the size of 50pence (but much, much thicker and heavier) it holds a story of power, deceit, assassination & murder - all in her short 33 year life.
A daughter of Emperor Marcus Aurelius, she was forced into a politically motivated marriage at the age of around 14 to Lucius Verus, a co-ruler with Aurelius.
Before she was 20, and after having three children, her husband died and she was pushed into an unwanted marriage to a Syrian Roman trader twice her age.
Her brother Commodus was now the new co-ruler, but due to his erratic actions Lucilla and others plotted to kill him…….maybe also because Lucilla despised his wife! The plot failed and Lucilla was banished to the island of Capri.
Now that doesn’t sound too bad, except within months Commodus sent as assassin to kill her off; followed by the murder of her son just to ensure her dynasty was fully extinguished.
Never mind the question ‘what did the Romans do for us?’ - how about ‘What did the Romans do to each other?’
PS The coin is a bronze/copper sestertius, with an image of Venus on the reverse.